Saturday 13 July 2013

Common injury #1: Piriformis Syndrome

When talking about barefoot running, thoughts immediately go to the feet themselves but one of the most common injuries affects the pelvis and lower back.

Piriformis Syndrome is a very common condition where the piriformis muscle, located deep to the gluteal muscles, becomes tightened and puts pressure onto the sciatic nerve which passes beneath, through or about it. This condition then refers pain into the lower back, deep into the buttock or down the posterior of the leg on the affected side, giving sciatica.

The causes of piriformis syndrome are numerous and require professional assessment. Similarly, the treatments of piriformis syndrome are numerous and targetted at the precise cause. Massage and osteopathy are two approaches that are very effective along with stretches and mobilisation exercises that can be carried out at home.

To find out more visit piriformis syndrome advice.

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